Reaching The Training Limit

I received a strange e-mail the other day… eMailer When do I stop employee training? My Response Unless your plant has reached all of its profits-based goals, every employee on the payroll can improve some aspect of their job function, be more efficient, or expand their capabilities. Some companies use a strategy where every employee has to […]

Scheduling OJT

I was talking with a Human Resource Manager the other day and got this question… Frank My boss wants me to do all the training on-the-job. Unfortunately, this is a scheduling nightmare. What is the best way to do this? My Response First, OJT is the most direct method of instruction, but it is not a good training […]

Machining Core Threads With a Lathe…

I just received this unique question from a toolmaker in China… Dodge We’re trying to make a collapsible core with threads using a CNC lathe.  The specification requires the thread start at half way around the circumference, which is impossible because the lathes have to complete a full circle before making a screw thread.  Is […]

Blog Archives

Hello Readers, Our ‘Plastics Training and Technology Blog’ has been active for less than 6 months… yet, we have had thousands of readers and more than a hundred contributions in both questions and comments. Here at A. Routsis Associates, Inc. we like to thank all of our readers and contributors for their support… but also […]

The Importance of Housekeeping

I believe many companies underestimate the importance of housekeeping… George My technicians keep telling me that custom-molding facilities are always somewhat messy due to the high number of mold changes. How do I argue against this? My Response George, your techs are pulling your leg just to defend their laziness… though many injection molding plants do […]