Ausplas 2011…

This post is to remind you that Ausplast is taking place on May 24-27, 2011. The official website can be found here: Since it occurs once every three years, there will be a relatively large number of important exhibitors present. If you wish to see a small promotional feature about the upcoming Ausplas show click here […]

Short Shot During 1st Stage Fill

I recently joined in on a discussion in a Linked-In forum. I addressed one of the concerns, which I will add here… Concern Is the better have a 98% filled only parts with lower speed (not very close to knee of rheology curve) or 80% with higher speed or use multiple speeds fast to slow to get […]

The Uses of MFI…

I was asked this question yesterday… HG We get MFI data from the supplier, how can we use this data to our advantage? My Response Th Melt Flow Index, MFI, is take under pressures and shear rates which do not represent the actual conditions the material will see during processing. As a result, the MFI […]

Costs of Hands-On Training…

I recently heard this statement… Potential Customer We save money by just using shadowing to train our employees. My Response Personally, I believe that shadowing alone has shown to be the most costly for any company to rely on for many reasons. First, the best you can hope for is that the employee learns the minimal […]

Follow-Up on Safety Glasses…

A blog reader posted a response to a post on safety glasses, and I believe it deserves a little more attention… TJ I think safety glasses should be used in tool room and maintenance area as Personal Protection Equipment, there is no need in quality lab and warehouse. My Response I agree with the Tool Room […]