5 Simple Rules for Effective Processing

To put it bluntly, if your technicians and engineers are not following these 5 simple rules, your company is losing money. Although these are just basic best practices for our industry, there are very few companies that consistently follow all 5 of these steps. Those who do are some of the most competitive companies in […]

Stop Wasting Material: Learn the Right Way to Purge Your Barrel

FACT: A purging compound will help you purge better than no purging compound. Furthermore, there are some simple concepts and techniques that will ensure excellent results from your purging compound — better results than can be achieved by just following the manufacturer’s recommended procedures. Unfortunately, bad purging habits and poor purging procedures are pervasive in […]

Real Skills vs. Learned Behavior: What’s the Difference?

The truth is that there is a huge difference between a skill and a behavior — a difference too frequently ignored by plastics manufacturers, to the company’s detriment. Skills are what make effective engineers, technicians, and operators in your production floor — while learned behavior involves mimicking what a fellow employee is doing. Are your […]

The simplest way to review your employees’ knowledge, skills, and professional development

Employees who are developed and promoted from within tend to be more capable, contribute more, and stick around longer than those poached from other companies. Throughout their career, your employees acquire a great deal of experience: solving problems, achieving goals, and developing skills. A professional evidence portfolio is a great way for managers to objectively […]