The following is a formula which can be used to quickly determine the screw speed during setup. This is based on consuming 80% of the cooling time for shot recovery.
Question: Could you provide me with a quick formula my setup techs can use to estimate the final screw speed?
My Response: This is a quick set of calculations for determining the screw speed to consume 80% of the cooling time:
(RTdesired)= (tcool) x (0.8)
(RPMfinal) = (RPMcurrent) x (RTcurrent) รท (RTdesired)
Symbol Key
RTdesired = Desired Recovery Time
RTcurrent = Current Recovery Time
RPMfinal = Final RPM Setting
RPMcurrent = Current RPM Setting
Additional Thoughts
If you put this into a spreadsheet, then the technician would only have to enter the Current Screw Speed, Current Recovery Time, and Cooling Time.
(RPMfinal) = (RPMcurrent) x (RTcurrent) / (tcool x 0.8)
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