Online Videos…

I was asked this question the other day…
With so much information available online, why do I need training?
My Response
About 20 years ago, I had a friend who created a library at his company. This contained every relevant textbook, guidebook, magazine, and white paper he could find. He set up chairs, book cases, indexes, and made this available to all his employees. Furthermore, his employees could use any of these resources to learn on company time. The only time these resources were used is when an employee needed a specific piece of information to help with a particular problem.
There is an explosion of information available online both written and on video. With respect to companies, this information is a great resource for research and for investigation to help with a specific problem. Production employees will not search the internet to learn about plastics, materials, and processing… they just use the resource to help them with a specific problem.
Additional Thoughts
Keep in mind, these video clips and written resources are no more effective in teaching your production employees practical skills than magazines and white papers have been in the past. The key is to teach your employee the information they need to make educated decisions when they encounter a specific problem and begin researching the solution.


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