Sharp Transition In Rheology Curve…

After performing an In-Mold Rheology Test, one blog reader had this question… Jason When performing the in-mold rheology test, I noticed a sharp drop when reaching a specific shear rate. After this point, the viscosity stabilizes at the lower value for the remainder of the higher shear rates. What is the cause for this abnormal […]

Converting ºC To ºF…

A technician called our office the other day and asked this question… Steve How do I convert 250 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit? My Response This can be done using any calculator, the two basic equations are as follows: (ºC x 1.8) + 32 = ºF (ºF – 32) / (1.8) = ºC Therefor: (250ºC x 1.8) + […]

Comparing Machine Capabilities…

This query came in the other day through email… Emailer Today, I moved a mold from one machine to another. The peak injection pressure was 1450 bar with a 0.6 sec. cycle time. On the second machine, I can only get 1.03 sec. injection time at 900 bar. I cannot fill the mold even though the […]

Time Required for Process Stabilization…

This question highlights a common point of disagreement within the molding industry… M. How long does process stabilization take, from set-up to first good parts? My Response With the explosion of SMED, Single Minute Exchange of Dies, there are many companies who have successfully reduced their changeover time to a matter of minutes or even seconds. Unfortunately, the […]

Understanding the Dynamic Load Sensitivity Test…

I got this request during the weekend… Tim I would like an explanation on how to perform a Dynamic Load Sensitivity Test on Hydraulic Molding Machines. My Response Although we have training courses dedicated to this topic, I will try to give a brief overview here: The Load Sensitivity Test is used to determine how the injection […]