Water Condensation and Mold Sweat

In a recent e-mail, I received this question regarding mold sweat…
Altaf B
When we set the water chiller temperature at 10ÂșC or less, we get water condensation on the mold cavities. Could you help us avoid this condition?

My Response
Mold sweat is condensation which appears on the mold. Water condenses on the mold surface when the mold temperature is lower than the dewpoint of the air.
The dewpoint is the temperature at which water precipitates out of the air in tiny droplets. This vapor can collect on the surfaces of the mold. To reduce condensation, the mold temperature can be increased, or the dewpoint or temperature of the surrounding air can be decreased. 
Another way to decrease the dewpoint is to control the climate in the molding area. Blowing dehumidified air at the mold reduces the dewpoint…which lowers the possibility of condensation.
Additional Thoughts
In reality, it’s always advantageous to control the temperature and humidity in the molding environment. Not only does this help prevent mold sweat… this also reduces material and process variations as well as improve the overall working environment for your employees.

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