Plastics Processing: How To Succeed In An Ever-Changing Industry, Part 1

In 1963, Bob Dylan famously sang, “The Times They Are a-Changin’.” While it is doubtful he had plastics processing in mind, the changes in our industry over the past 60 years have been staggering — and the pace of these changes is ever-increasing. How can today’s plastics processors keep up with technology and compete in the global marketplace? In this series, we will attempt to answer that question.

Learning to Embrace Change

Most plastics companies claim they are embracing change, yet the day-to-day actions of their technicians has barely changed in the past 5 or10 or even 20 years. Engineering and management may come up with innovative ideas. But for such ideas to work, your technicians need to be involved in implementing these changes on a day-to-day basis.

Scientific Processing

One of the most common changes taking place is the move from traditional processing to a scientific approach. ‘Scientific’ is not just a buzzword: There are systematic ways to approach the development of each process parameter, document each process, and troubleshoot any defect.

Contrary to what many company owners and managers believe, these advancements are not centered around purchasing a lot of shiny new equipment. The most important and meaningful changes are realized by improving the day-to-day practices of your technicians. Every manager should expect their technicians to process and troubleshoot your product the same way — each and every time the process runs. Following a scientific processing methodology ensures this consistency.

Less Talk, More Action

The most successful molders in the world are the ones who can implement change and are willing and able to take on new challenges. They not only have to talk about it, they must actually do it. Therefore, your company needs to put a system in place to help employees constantly improve and stay ahead of the competition. In our next post, we will examine some specific ways this can be accomplished.

What exactly is Scientific Molding? Click here to learn more. And feel free to contact us for more information about modernizing processing methodology in your facility.

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