I was at a company recently and the engineer was confused about how to reduce energy consumption during injection… Engineer I know higher injection velocities reduce variability, but a lower injection speed uses less pressure and thus reduces the overall energy consumption… right? My Response Actually, a higher velocity reduces overall energy consumption during injection even though the […]
Monthly Archives
December 2011
Don’t Forget to Move the Temperature Probe…
I was discussing the measurement of the polymer temperature with an engineer and he explained a problem he is encountering… Joe Each of our technicians are getting different results when we they measure the melt temperature… especially when we measure high temperature materials like polysulfone. note: I asked one of their techs to demonstrate how they measure […]
Making Significant Changes…
As a follow-up to a previous post, I was asked to expand in the second rule of processing… The 5 Basic Rules of Processing (from before): Rule 1 – Make one process change at a time Rule 2 – Make significant changes Rule 3 – If a change does not help, change it back Rule […]
PPE for Purging…
I have seen many variations on this principle… Steve Here we only require our employees to wear safety glasses when purging… is that fine? My Response Purged plastics can cause some of the most debilitating injuries because they have a tendency to not only burn, but stick to or inject under your skin as well. When purging goes well, […]
5 Basic Rules of Processing…
I was asked this question yesterday via email… Manager What should I be looking for when my guys process? My Response There the 5 things that I always look for: Rule 1 – Make one process change at a time Rule 2 – Make significant changes Rule 3 – If a change does not help, […]