Making Time for Training…

The other day I received a common question… John I know we are in need of training, my scrap is up and my production numbers could be better, but we’re so busy, it’s hard to find the time. My Response The important aspect is to consider is momentum. It’s similar to housekeeping… everyone has to help keeps things clean, […]

The Future of Plastics…

Many of my friends have been asking me about the future of training as the plastics processing becomes more technical… Plastic Processing Plastics processing will continue to advance towards more technical and capable equipment. As with all technical advances in the industry, the need for fundamental training does not diminish… it actually increases. For example, when molding machines went from […]

Online Videos…

I was asked this question the other day… KG With so much information available online, why do I need training? My Response About 20 years ago, I had a friend who created a library at his company. This contained every relevant textbook, guidebook, magazine, and white paper he could find. He set up chairs, book cases, indexes, and […]

Blueprint Reading Skills…

I received a comment regarding a commonly overlooked skill the other day… HT Our company has it’s own system of part drawings so I do not believe general blueprint training applies to what we do. My Comments Good technical training teaches not only the specifics, but the fundamental information necessary for true understanding.  In the situation above, having a good understanding of concepts […]

The Pitfalls of ‘Need-to-Know’ Training…

I heard this from a manager the other day… Manager Our method of training is to have a new employee shadow one of our technicians for a couple days before we let them process themselves. This method teaches the our employees what they need to know about processing, the rest they learn on-the-job. My Thoughts When you try […]