Machining Core Threads With a Lathe…

I just received this unique question from a toolmaker in China… Dodge We’re trying to make a collapsible core with threads using a CNC lathe.  The specification requires the thread start at half way around the circumference, which is impossible because the lathes have to complete a full circle before making a screw thread.  Is […]

Compensating For Material Variability…

I received this e-mail from a medical molder who is encountering complications with maintaining process controls within their validated standards… Steve We a medical molder and monitor and record part weight as a control during production runs. On a particular component the spec is 31.165g +/- 0.045g on a 16 cavity mould and was determined from […]

Blog Archives

Hello Readers, Our ‘Plastics Training and Technology Blog’ has been active for less than 6 months… yet, we have had thousands of readers and more than a hundred contributions in both questions and comments. Here at A. Routsis Associates, Inc. we like to thank all of our readers and contributors for their support… but also […]

Complications From Changing Screw Diameter

I just received this interesting question yesterday from a medical molder… AP We are planning to change screw size because we are using less than 20% of the shot size capacity of the press, can you give us a little information how this problem affect our process control and how big is the impact on […]

The Pro’s and Con’s of Mold Insulation

I just received this question regarding adding insulation between the mold and the platens… Milan I want ask you if it is a good to put plate between mold and machine platen? Some technician told me yes, cause you need isolate warm mold from cold platen. My Response Just to clarify for our readers… many injection molders will position insulation plates […]