Mold Bolt Specifications From Supplier…

I received this question from a recent customer… Jim {Our supplier} cannot supply specification documentation that the mold clamp bolts they supply are Grade 8. This is one of the reasons why we are looking at other suppliers. note: Jim included the name of the supplier, but it was omitted for the purpose of our blog. My Response Since these […]

Understanding Hydrolysis…

I was discussing material dying with a technician and was asked this question… Bob What is Hydrolysis? I looked it up online, but I don’t understand the technical jargon. My Response Basically, water molecules are formed with two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O). This is a relatively stable relationship under room conditions. When heated […]

Compressed-Air Drying Trends…

I had a discussion with another consultant recently and thought it may be helpful to convey some thoughts about the growing use of compressed air material dryers… Compressed Air Dryers The compressed air dryer uses air that is provided from an existing air compressor. The air passes through a heater before reaching the pellets. At the compressor, […]

Degrading PVC…

I received a question via email last week… RS I am using u-pvc injection molding for pvc pipe fittings. When running a male addoptar which weight about .05 kg we are observing burning in the end of injection, what its cause? My Response In such cases, the cause is degraded material. PVC most often degrades whenever it […]