Machine Variation vs. Process Variation

I received the following question in an email yesterday.Since it was lengthy, I have done my best to reduce it to a more concise inquiry… Nathan We have an LCP process where the tolerances for cushion, charge time, fill time, and pressure are very narrow. We are maintaining a consistent cushion with only 0.2mm deviation, yet we […]

Always Get Mold Prints…

I was recently involved in a consulting job and was asked the following question… Project Manager The tooling vendor is charging extra for the mold prints and CAD drawings. Should we purchase these? My Response You should always obtain prints and CAD files from your tooling vendor… even if you plan on using this vendor for […]

Selecting Your Training Metrics

In a recent webinar, I received a common question… Mark When tracking the improvements of training, what should I monitor? My Response I will answer this is a few parts… 1) Choose from the data that is already available – Do not create new metrics to monitor… if it was important to the management, someone would already […]